Three members of Essex Court Chambers have been appointed to the newly formed Attorney General panel for Public International Law (PIL). Professor Dan Sarooshi has been appointed to the Attorney General’s ‘A’ Panel (PIL); Jessica Wells to the Attorney General’s ‘B’ Panel (PIL) and Amy Sander to the Attorney General’s ‘C’ Panel (PIL). Essex Court Chambers is the only set with a member on each PIL panel.
In addition, Edward Brown has been promoted and is now on the ‘B’ Panel (Traditional). Also on the ‘B’ Panel (Traditional) are Iain Quirk who was appointed 2012 and Professor Dan Sarooshi who was appointed 2013. Amy Sander is on the Attorney General’s ‘C’ Panel (Traditional), having been appointed in 2013.
The Attorney General maintains four panels (3 London and one Regional) of junior counsel to undertake civil and EC work for all Government Departments and now three panels of junior counsel to undertake public international law. The PIL A, B and C panels will undertake cases involving public international law in international courts and in the courts of England and Wales. All appointments are for 5 years.