
The submission window for mini-pupillage applications for the 2025 program is now closed.

Applicants will be notified as to whether they have been offered a place by Thursday 16th January 2025.

Our aim in offering mini-pupillages at Essex Court Chambers is to provide prospective applicants for pupillage with an introduction to a busy and successful Commercial Chambers. We want you to be able to experience the kind of work that we do and the ethos and atmosphere of Chambers, so that you can get a sense of whether you would enjoy working here.

Mini-pupillages do not form part of our pupillage selection procedure and will not include any formal assessments. However, our experience is that a mini-pupillage with us provides an invaluable opportunity for people applying for pupillage to meet members of Chambers and find out more about the work we do; the process is more about you finding out about us than it is about us finding out about you. We therefore strongly encourage anyone who is seriously considering applying for pupillage here to apply for a mini-pupillage too.

In order to make mini-pupillages as useful as possible, we focus on providing a limited number (about 25) between January and July each year. We offer mini-pupillages of between 1 and 2 days at the applicant’s option. During their time in Chambers, mini-pupils will usually spend time with at least two members of Chambers so that they can see a variety of work at different levels. If a mini-pupil wishes to experience a specific area of our expertise, we will do our best to accommodate this.

It is our view that applicants will not gain the full benefit of a mini-pupillage with us until they are well-established in their legal studies. Accordingly, applicants for mini-pupillages who are studying for a law degree may apply after the start of their second year of study; applicants who are or have studied for a non-law degree may apply after they have commenced the GDL. However, we host a Student Open Day (for non-law and law students alike) who wish to gain an insight into life at the Commercial Bar at an earlier stage in their studies.

We will reimburse mini-pupils for their reasonable travel and accommodation expenses. This is to ensure that no one is deterred from applying for mini-pupillage with us by reason of their location or financial circumstances. Additional assistance (including for mini-pupillages at other sets) is available from a scheme run by Lincoln’s Inn, which can be found here.

We are committed to providing equality of opportunity and offers of mini-pupillage are made strictly on merit, by reference to objective criteria. Those criteria are intellectual ability and promise in oral and written advocacy.

We will consider any requests for reasonable adjustments to assist disabled applicants. Please see the Equality & Diversity page for more information.