Essays in Memory of Sir Ian Brownlie
Edited by Maurizio Ragazzi
In December 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the International Law Commission’s articles on the responsibility of international organizations, bringing to conclusion not only nearly ten years of reflection by the Commission, governments and organizations on this specific topic, but also decades of study of the wider subject of international responsibility, which had initially focused on State responsibility.
Parallel to this reflection by the Commission, diplomats and public officials, the body of international case-law and literature on the many facets of the topic has steadily been growing. Responsibility of International Organizations: Essays in Memory of Sir Ian Brownlie contributes to the body of international literature by collecting a broad spectrum of different and sometimes differing perspectives from well-known experts in the field, ranging from the bench to the Commission, academia, and the world of in-house counsel.
Contributing Author: Dan Sarooshi: Chapter 7 : International Organizations and State Responsibility
Publisher: Brill