*Postponed* TL4 FIRE: Year in Review 2021

2 December, 2021


02 Dec 2021ย ย ย ย 
2:00 pm - 5:45 pm


One Moorgate Place
Chartered Accountants' Hall, 1 Moorgate Place, London, EC2R 6EA

Event Type

This event has been postponed. This page will be updated with details in due course.

Join ThoughtLeaders4 for an afternoon of the hottest topics of the year followed by the ultimate showdown debate between the top FIRE practitioners.ย  This will be a half-day event that will drill down into the most important Fraud & Asset Recovery topics of the year in the first part of the conference, followed by a debate session between 8 of the speakers.

Tim Akkouh will be joining Kate Gee (Counsel – Signature Litigation) and Carmel King (Director – Grant Thornton) to discuss “Everything you need to know about Cryptocurrency” at 4:10pm.

More details about the event and how to register can be found here.