Members of the solicitor and counsel team who acted for the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the recent landmark decision in Federal Republic of Nigeria v. Process & Industrial Development Ltd (winner of the Most Important Decision at the 2024 GAR Awards) will share their insights and reflections on key developments relating to resisting enforcement and successful challenge of arbitral awards on the grounds of fraud, as well as more generally on effectively litigating large scale fraud cases such as this before the English Courts.
The case saw the English Commercial Court hold that P&IDโs colossal US $11 billion award against Nigeria should be immediately set aside in full, having concluded that the arbitral awards had been obtained by fraud and contrary to public policy for the purposes of s68(2)(g) of the Arbitration Act 1996, with a number of significant interlocutory decisions along the way. The talk will be of particular interest both to arbitration practioners and commercial and fraud litigators more generally.
A light buffet breakfast will be available before the event.
Speakers will include:
- Andrew Short – Mishcon de Reya
- Shaistah Akhtar – Mishcon de Reya
- Lydia Allaby – Mishcon de Reya
- Tom Ford – Essex Court Chambers
- Sebastian Mellab – Essex Court Chambers
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Tom Ford

Sebastian Mellab

Shaistah Akhtar