Government response to the pandemic: balancing public health and investment protection

7 May, 2020


07 May 2020ย ย ย ย 
9:30 am - 11:00 am

Event Type

Hosted by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law.

The Investment Treaty Forum convenes an online meeting to discuss how governments can avoid and minimise violations of international investment law when responding to Covid-19. It will gather representatives of states, arbitrators and members of the Investment Treaty Forum to discuss various issues which may arise in future investor-state disputes.

Register here.


Sir Franklin (Frank) Berman joined HM Diplomatic Service in 1965 and was the Legal Adviser to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office from 1991-99. For the past 20 years he has been in practice in Essex Court Chambers specializing in international arbitration and advisory work in international law. He is Visiting Professor of International Law at Oxford and the University of Cape Town. His over 50-year career in international law and diplomacy has spanned a wide and varied field, including settlement of disputes; the law of treaties; State responsibility; diplomatic and State immunity; maritime delimitation; the law of the Continental shelf; outer space and nuclear energy; the law of international organisations; the UN Security Council; the laws of war and neutrality; international criminal tribunals; and numerous other areas. In the light of this extensive experience, he is highly qualified for advisory work in all areas of public international law, for international dispute-settlement proceedings of all kinds and for international commercial and investment arbitration.