Members of Essex Court Chambers were delighted to host the first ever fully virtual Fraud Summit.
Held across three Thursdays in April (15th, 22nd and 29th), Members of Essex Court Chambers who have developed well established practices in the Fraud industry gave a number of live panel discussions, recordings and handouts for each session are below:
Day 1, Thursday 15th April 2021
The case of Chernukhin vs Deripaska: Contempt and Abuse of Process – Download handout
Disclosure and privilege in fraud litigation – Download handout
Day 2, Thursday 22nd April 2021
Panel 1: Tactical issues when acting for a defendant in fraud litigation – Download handout
Panel 2: Search, seize, freeze and enforce – Download handout
Day 3:ย ย Thursday 29th April 2021
Panel 1: Insolvency, transactional avoidance and cross-border issues
Panel 2: Dishonest Assistance – Download handout