Boyle makes Second Public International specialist to join Essex Court Chambers this year

6 June, 2006

Professor Alan Boyle of the University
of Edinburgh has accepted
a Door Tenancy in Essex Court Chambers. Professor Boyle will practice as an
Adviser and Advocate in Public International Law, particularly in his
specialist fields of environmental law and the law of the sea. A number of
practising and associated members of Essex Court Chambers hold professorships
and readerships at both British and overseas universities and Professor Boyle
will continue to be Professor of Public International Law, and Director,
Scottish Centre for International Law, at the University of Edinburgh,
where he has been since 1995. Professor Boyle joining chambers comes just
months after the appointment of International law specialist, Dr Dan Sarooshi. Professor Boyle will continue to be on the Special
Arbitrator’s List, UN Convention on the Law of the Sea which he has been on
since 1997 and on the Environmental Arbitrator’s List, Permanent Court of
Arbitration which he was elected to in 2004. He ceases to be an Associate
Member of 3 Verulam Buildings, a position he has held since 1994.